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Equality and anti-discrimination

You have the right to be respected and to have your needs considered as fairly as everyone else. Similarly, you should respect other people, whether they were born in Australia or migrated here. Racism and discrimination of any form are not acceptable in Australia.

Under anti-discrimination laws, no person should be treated less favourably than others because of their age, race, country of origin, gender, marital status, pregnancy, political or religious beliefs, disability or sexual preference. This applies in most areas, including employment, education, accommodation, buying goods, and access to services such as doctors, banks and hotels. Men and women are equal under the law and for all other purposes.

Australia has a tradition of free speech. However, it is unlawful to insult, humiliate, offend or intimidate another person or group on the basis of their age, race, country of origin, gender, marital status, pregnancy, political or religious beliefs, disability or sexual preference.

The Australian Human Rights Commission administers federal law in the areas of human rights, anti-discrimination and social justice.

Each state and territory also has its own anti-discrimination law and government agency:

For more information please go to 

About Us

Potensure is a company based in Melbourne, Australia. We enable students and migrants planning to come to Australia or already living in Australia to directly access services that are essential to settle in Australia.

We have a network of service providers from various industries and through our connections and bargaining power we are able to provide the best outcome for all your dealings.

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Contact Us

22/17-23 Keppel Drive Hallam Vic 3803

0431 994 644

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